Reverse a String

As you can see from this one, it's a few decades old. But hey, it works. Pulled it from the deep dark recesses of my archives.

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class ConsoleApp
unsafe static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
byte[] Bytes = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(args[0]);

fixed ( byte* pBytes = &Bytes[0] )
// Reverse the string.
Reverse(pBytes, (args.Length > 1));



unsafe static void Reverse(byte* SrcString, bool ReverseWords)
int iStart = 0
,iEnd = 0
,iLength = 0

// Get the length of the string.
while (SrcString[iLength] != '\0')

ReverseString(SrcString, iStart, iLength - 1);

if (ReverseWords)
while (iEnd < iLength)
if (SrcString[iEnd] != ' ')
iStart = iEnd;

// Find the next non-word character.
while(iEnd < iLength && SrcString[iEnd] != ' ')

ReverseString(SrcString, iStart, --iEnd);


unsafe static void ReverseString(byte* SrcString, int Start, int End)
byte Temp;

while (End > Start)
Temp = SrcString[Start];
SrcString[Start++] = SrcString[End];
SrcString[End--] = Temp;

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